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+49 711 991 1460

Your prostate cancer therapy 

High chances of recovery, few side effects, high-tech and a confidential dialogue on an equal level.


More and more patients have confidence in our radiotherapy. We make your journey through treatment safe and secure through interdisciplinary consultations, innovative additional treatments such as e.g. being the first centre in Stuttgart to offer SpaceOAR treatment as well as holistic consultations. 

Your breast cancer therapy 

Radiotherapy is crucial for the successful treatment of breast cancer.



Radiotherapy following breast conserving operation (BCS), or even following a mastectomy in certain cases: You are in the best hands with us.

Strahlentherapie Stuttgart

Modern radiotherapy with heart for you in Stuttgart: 
Centre for Radiotherapy at the Diakonie Hospital in Stuttgart 

This is what radiotherapy can do 

Modern radiotherapy treatments belong to the most effective and gentle methods today of treating diseases by halting their advancement or easing pain. In addition to surgery and chemotherapy, radiotherapy is the most important method of treating cancer. 

100% of our patients would recommend us (evaluation of 1952 patient questionnaires, status  31.12.2023)

Beat cancer now! 

The Centre for Radiotherapy and Medical Genetics in Stuttgart will help you.

You can find us at Diakonie-Klinikum
70176 Stuttgart, Lerchenstraße 27, 1st basement floor.

Parking spaces are available free of charge to our patients in the underground garage P1 of the Diakonie Hospital. (click here for directions)

Reach us by public transport: 

From the main train station: 

By bus line 42 (direction Erwin-Schöttle-Platz) to the stop Rosenberg-/ Seidenstr./ Diakonie-Klinikum

From Rotebühlplatz/ Stadtmitte:

By metro line  U4 (direction Hölderlinplatz) to the stop Rosenberg-Seidenstr./ Diakonie-Klinikum

You can reach us by telephone between 
8.00 and 17.00 

(8.00-16.00 on Fridays) under
+49 711 991-1460.

Or send us an email

Are you privately insured?

Then make an appointment for a private consultation with Dr. Dr. Marini

under +49 711 991 - 1485

You can also make an appointment online:

Nettes Team am Diakonie-Klinikum Stuttgart

Why us?

The highest university level of technology and staff, both straightforward and personally oriented - our patients at the Centre for Radiotherapy and Medical Genetics especially appreciate this.


This is also the case for appointments at short notice, interdisciplinary consultations and a caring sense of humanity. 

Welcome from all over the world 

Our head physician Dr. Dr. Marini:


We treat patients from all over the world. We pay special attention to the cultural, linguistic and personal background of each patient and provide support for the organisation of optimal basic conditions.

Leitende Ärztin Frau Dr. Dr. Marini

In addition to prostate and breast cancer, we offer treatments for almost all types of cancer here at the Centre for Radiotherapy and Medical Genetics, especially:

  • ​Colon cancer

  • Cancer of the oesophagus

  • Cancer of the thyroid 

  • Lung cancer

  • Head and neck tumours 

  • Brain tumours 

  • Bone and brain metastasis 

  • Gynecological tumours 

  • Palliative care for terminal illness (pain reduction)


      and for non-malignant illnesses e.g. 

  • Arthrosis, heel spur and tennis elbow 

  • Graves' ophthalmopathy

MVZ Centre for Radiotherapy at Stuttgart Diakonie Hospital,

Lerchenstraße 27, 1st Basement Floor, 70176 Stuttgart.

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© 2023 DKS Strahlentherapie MVZ gGmbH


Lerchenstr. 27, 1.UG
70176 Stuttgart

Telephone: + 49 711 991-1460
Fax: +49 711 991-1469

Centre for Radiotherapy at Diakonie Hospital Stuttgart

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